diversity & inclusion

Silver Psychotherapy strives toward inclusive excellence by fostering an environment where everyone is valued for our unique differences. Diversity. Equity. Inclusion. Belonging. They’re more than just words for us. They are the principles guiding our practice.

Infographic Adapted from Turner Consulting, https://www.turnerconsultinggroup.ca/
“We each have racist conditioning. Being anti-racist means having the courage, honesty, caring and dedication to uproot that conditioning—in ourselves and our world.”
– Tara Brach, www.tarabrach.com
This document is a living document, meaning that it will evolve throughout time. These are some of our favorite resources, but it is by no means an exhaustive list.
An Open Letter to Corporate America, Philanthropy, Academia, etc.: What Now? Blog Post by Aiko Bethea
Antiracism Meditation: Created through the lens of a Black and a White teacher, Antiracism Meditation includes an EP and journal questions to support people of all races seeking understanding. Three meditations – allyship, racism and loving-kindness. The project is live on Spotify, AppleMusic, Soundcloud and Insight Timer, Iman Gibson and Tori Lund, July 15, 2020.
Notice the Rage; Notice the Silence, Resmaa Menakem, On Being with Krista Tippett, June 4, 2020
How to be an Anti-racist, Ibram X. Kendi, listen to Ibram’s interview with Brené Brown, June 3, 2020
So You Want to Talk About Race, Ijeoma Oluo, Sept 2019
The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander, Jan 7 2020
Stamped From the Beginning: A Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America, Ibram X. Kendi, August 15, 2017
How to Explain Racism to Kids– CNN/Sesame Street. Racism Townhall. June 6, 2020
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man, Emmanuel Ancho
Antiracist Baby boardbook, Ibram X. Kendi, June 16, 2020
The Inner Work of Racial Injustice: Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities Through Mindfulness, Rhonda V. Magee, September 17, 2019.
- Book: ¿Quiénes somos y de dónde venimos? A Historical Context to Inform Mental Health Services with Latinx Populations
- Browning Counseling: Working with Latinx Clients
- Culturally Responsive, Trauma Informed and Evidence-Based Approaches for Supporting Latinx Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders in Schools
- Enhancing Mental Health Services for the Hispanic and Latinx Community: Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3
- Familia Adelante: Multi-risk Reduction Behavioral Health Prevention for Latino/Hispanic Youth and Families
- Hispanic and Latinx Cultural Values Series
- Improving the Emotional Well-Being of Latinx Students Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: Tips for School Personnel and Caregivers
- Increasing Cultural Connection with Hispanic and Latinx Clients:
- Intersectionality and Interrupted Learning: The Impact of Adversity and Trauma on Academic Achievement for Latinx Youth
- Latino Agricultural Workers: An Overview on Mental Health and Strategies for Effective Engagement Services
- Latinos and Suicide: A Clinician’s Guide to Prevention and Treatment Masterclass IV
- Navigating Behavioral Health Complexities in Midwest Latinx Communities Conference
- On-Demand: Addressing Immigrant Culture, Language, Diversity and Inclusion
- Structural Barriers in Mental Health Care among Latinx Populations: Means, Strategies and Resources to Improve Access and Services
- Supporting the Mental Health of Refugee and Asylee Communities: Systems and Strategies
- Supporting the Mental Health of Refugee and Asylee Communities: Voices and Stories
- TARGET: Evidence-based Intervention for Traumatic Stress Disorders and Behavioral Health Illness in Hispanic and Latino Communities
- The Latinx LGBT+ Community: The consequences of intersectionality
- Webinar: Back to School… Promoting Resiliency and Mental Health Wellness in Latino Children Part I | Part II | Part III