Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) results from unresolved trauma. Trauma is the physiological response to an event in which you perceive that your safety was threatened. We treat a variety of traumas- complex trauma, military/police/emergency responder, sexual, physical abuse, and psychological trauma. Everyone experiences trauma differently; what is traumatic to one person, may not be traumatic to another person. When aspects of the trauma continue to come back in the form of nightmares/flashbacks/memories; and there are avoidance behaviors (i.e. don’t like crowds, loud noises, dark places)- it may be time to seek treatment. Trauma is difficult for family members to understand; and it can make living with a loved one who struggles with PTSD difficult. Maybe you don’t feel comfortable talking about the trauma. In trauma treatment you may not need to “re-live” the trauma in order to heal from it. Trauma treatment continues to focus on the effects on the brain/body, and continues to evolve with new brain-based techniques, like Brainspotting.